Online Banking & Bill Pay
Juggling work and family is enough — no need to add banking to the mix! Online banking and bill pay lets you bank faster, easier, and whenever you have time available.
- Free, secure, and easy-to-use service for Citizens National Bank customers
- Manage a number of banking activities anytime, anywhere with internet access:
- Access eStatements
- View account balances and history
- Transfer funds between accounts (one-time and recurring transfers)
- View checks written
- Make loan payments
- And more!
- Pay one-time or recurring bills with ease:
- Schedule payments in advance
- Set up payment reminders
- Ensure payments are received on time
- Have all payee information in one convenient place
- Retain funds until paper drafts are presented for payment
- Avoid paper clutter
- More secure than paper billing
- Make more time for yourself; fewer bank trips necessary
- Print or download to popular financial management software
Get Started
If you want to access your personal accounts online, you can enroll now by selecting the button above or below and completing our online enrollment application. Once you are enrolled, you can register for our BillPay service.
Technology is rapidly changing and so are the many ways that you can bank with us. Apart from our traditional banking at our branches and ATMs, we also offer online, bill pay, mobile, and text messaging as a way to conduct your financial business.
We provide you the highest level of protection to safeguard your personal information, however, as with any technology comes the risk of fraud. Please take a moment to read the information listed below, or watch the videos, about how you can protect yourself against the potential risk.
Please select any of the links below to learn more.